DailyDiary is the easiest way for you to keep a private diary (or journal, if you prefer) of all sorts of things about your life. But not just a common diary made up of words only. A DailyDiary can have numbers too!

If you know how to reply to an email, you're ready to get started! After you sign up and subscribe to a question...

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To which you reply...
And you get pretty graphs!
(among other great stuff)

DailyDiary can help you get on track to lose weight, quit smoking, exercise more, sleep better, remember your dreams, reflect on your thoughts, smile more, make new friends, help others, stay in touch, improve your self-esteem, work less, spend more time with your family, eat healthier, eat more vegetables, live longer, and much more. You can keep a DailyDiary on just about anything!

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Celebrating 26 Years of Journaling and Self-Tracking
Yeah, we've been doing this awhile.

What do members have to say?

"It's cool to see how different areas and states rate their day. I also like having a diary to look back on." Ron

"DailyDiary makes me stop and really reflect upon my events of the day. Was it all THAT bad? Or did I do all that I could have done to make it better?" Rita

"I like to evaluate my moods based on the days I have and see if I have any patterns." Erin

"It's quite convenient and it also saves it for you right on your computer where someone else can't get their hands on it like a physical journal." Lynn